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Đoạn phim phản đối chiến tranh Việt Nam ở Hoa Kỳ (1970)

Đoạn phim phản đối chiến tranh Việt Nam ở Hoa Kỳ (1970)

Opposition To The Vietnam War In The United States

As opposition to the Vietnam War grew, protests erupted in communities and college campuses across the United States. In May of 1970, four students were killed by Ohio National Guard troops on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio during a protest. The deaths shocked the nation and brought attention to the unrest of the times. This segment from Iowa Public Television's Iowans Remember Vietnam documentary includes archival footage and and first-person accounts from a news reporter, protester, and draft resistor from the era.

- Hỗ trợ Dân tộc King -

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